Alumni Notes
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1985 Mass Communication
Bernie Oravecwas named advertising account executive at Forever Media-State College
Note Posted: July 13, 2022

1999 Journalism
Molly Fellin Spencejoined Baltimore Sun Media in November 2021 as a senior content editor responsible for the Howard County Times and Carroll County Times newspapers.
Note Posted: June 28, 2022

2012 Journalism
Haley Blum Carrier has joined The Washington Post as a senior UX content designer on its product design team.Note Posted: June 27, 2022

1963 Advertising/Public Relations
Don Porteouspublished major new book, "Spiritual Reality and the Afterlife: Materialism meets Immortality."
The product of nearly 20 years of research and writing, its 451 pages detail the full range of evidence for both the actual existence of, and the post-mortem survival of, a spiritual part of us that's demonstrably separate from our physical bodies and brains.
That is followed by first-hand reports from some uniquely qualified sources — any of 145 different "spirit-communicators" — on a wide range of questions related to our extended future existence.
Note Posted: June 11, 2022

2007 Journalism
Maggie Reddenbecame senior communications and marketing specialist for the City of Falls Church in Virginia.
Note Posted: June 1, 2022

2007 Advertising/Public Relations
Amanda Oeyhas been promoted to director of strategic communications and operations at S&P Global Market Intelligence.
Note Posted: May 30, 2022

2015 Broadcast Journalism
Gabby Richardshas joined the national team at Planned Parenthood as the director of federal advocacy communications. She was most recently a strategic communications consultant with BerlinRosen and prior to that served as communications director for Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-05).
Note Posted: May 16, 2022

2004 Journalism
Emily Mahler (Evans)was elevated to equity partner at the law offices of Philadelphia-based Margolis Edelstein.
Note Posted: April 10, 2022

1992 Journalism
Ben FellerAlumnus Ben Feller writes about his personal passion — being a dad — in "Big Problems, Little Problems," a book that focuses on a dad who counsels his son not to sweat the small stuff.
The 30-page book (Tilbury House Publishers), brightly illustrated by Merce Lopez, tells a story about a secret handshake, life's daily challenges, the wisdom of children and love triumphing over frustration.
Feller is a communications adviser and former award-winning chief White House correspondent for The Associated Press.
Note Posted: March 1, 2022

2011 Journalism
Kevin Klineis director of social media for the Washington Commanders of the National Football League.
Kline had been manager of social media for the New York Jets before moving to the Commanders (then the Washington Football Team) in the beginning of 2021.
Kline's father, Bill Kline, is a 1977 Penn State graduate in journalism, while Kevin’s brother, Michael Karpe, is a 2002 graduate of the Bellisario College.
Note Posted: February 18, 2022

1984 Telecommunications
Gary Ezardaccepted a job offer as a staff video editor with WETA-TV for "PBS NewsHour" and "NewsHour Weekend."
He had been working in freelance roles for more than nine years.
"I feel very fortunate to have freelanced for 'NewsHour' periodically over the last couple of years. Thanks to the people there who have made me feel welcome from the first day.
"Thanks to my friend and former news director Dave Hopkins for taking a chance on me to begin my career. He and the whole crew at WTAJ-TV gave me a valuable foundation for the news business. Returning to my news roots has me grateful for the opportunity, and excited to get started."
Note Posted: February 11, 2022

2012 Print Journalism
Natalie PlumbNatalie Plumb is the Director of Communications and Youth Ministry at St. Ann Catholic Church.
Plumb was born and raised in Washington, DC, and holds a B.A. in print journalism from The Penn State University, University Park, and an M.A. in broadcast journalism from The American University, in Washington.
She is currently pursuing a Certificate in Youth Ministry through Steubenville University and the Catholic Diocese of Arlington.
She served for five years as Coordinator of Digital and Social Media for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, in Northern Virginia, before working at St. Ann.
Note Posted: February 8, 2022