Journalism student earns first job months before commencement

As an 8-year-old Michael Kresovich knew journalism was in his future.
As a college senior, more than eight months before graduation, he has his first full-time job.
Kresovich turned the typical college-commencement-career timetable on its head a bit when he was named sports editor of the Lock Haven Express in September. The Express serves readers in Centre, Clinton and Lycoming counties.
“I remember telling my parents when I was watching ‘SportsCenter’ as a kid that that’s what I wanted to do when I grew up,” Kresovich said. “They told me I needed to write a lot and work my way up.”
Kresovich, who lives in Bellefonte, is on track to earn his journalism degree, focusing on digital and print journalism, in May. He’s complimenting that with minors in business and liberal arts.
“We’re very excited that Michael is taking over Express sports coverage. He has roots in the area and that matters,” said Bob Rolley, publisher of the Express and “We hope coaches, fans and players alike reach out as he builds relationships in our communities.”
Kresovich said online courses this fall have enabled him to better balance his job and his studies. Along with editing duties, he covers Central Mountain High School sports and contributes to coverage, a mix of games, game previews and features, on the other school districts the newspaper serves.
Kresovich previously worked for the Centre County Gazette and covering Penn State men’s basketball. He has also worked as a member of the Beaver Stadium grounds crew.