Lives in: State College at the moment; Pittsburgh permanently.
Big break: serving as The Daily Collegian’s 2019-20 Editor-in-Chief my senior year.
Now reading: "Transfluence" by Walt Rakowich (my uncle, who also happens to be a Penn State graduate).
My TV/viewing guilty pleasure: I have to say, I definitely spend more time viewing Tik Toks than TV these days. The whole app is a guilty pleasure in itself — thanks for getting me hooked, quarantine.
Three things always in my fridge: Spinach, lemons (I’m convinced anything I cook tastes better with lemon drizzle), and a rotation of some Trader Joe’s dips my roommate and I don’t need.
Top three artists on my playlist: Ariana Grande (there is a chance I am her biggest fan), Phoebe Bridgers, Megan Thee Stallion
Favorite kind of cookie: I know this isn’t necessarily unique, but chocolate chip. Especially if they’re fresh out of the oven and the chips are still a little melty… don’t get me started.
Best advice I ever received: My favorite quote, from Maya Angelou: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Pet peeve: When people have side conversations during a meeting, lecture, etc. — it’s distracting to those around you, and bosses and professors can see you. It’s so rude to me, it makes my skin crawl.
Favorite vacation destination: Barcelona, Spain.
Favorite spot on campus: This might sound overdone, but there really is nothing like laying on a blanket on Old Main when the weather is beautiful.
Fondest Penn State memory: Any Penn State football game day I spent with family and friends as a student is a day I’d love to relive.