By the end of 2020, more than 1.8 million Americans will have heard a doctor say three words no one ever wants to hear: “You have cancer.” These life-altering words will usher them into what many call “the club that nobody wants to be a member of.”
There’s nothing easy about having cancer. For most people, cancer is a hard, reluctant journey through rugged, unfamiliar terrain. Ultimately, however, there are really only two ways to face cancer: in our own strength or with the help and strength that God supplies.

Debbie Barr
Debbie Barr's book, "Strength for the Cancer Journey," provides empathetic, daily reminders that God is present for anyone facing the challenges of cancer.
Each of these thirty devotionals draws upon anecdotes and insights from God’s Word to help readers invite God into the realities, uncertainties, and frustrations of their cancer experience. While cancer is a journey no one wants to take, no one ever has to walk that road alone.
This devotional book will help both patients and caregivers to engage deeply with God, gaining new strength for the cancer journey.